Factory Air 2.0 Men's Jersey

€120,00 EUR
Color : Grey

Size: S


Factory Air, the competition jersey for your daily training.

AIR is our lightest jersey, developed with a pure focus on performance. It is an evolution of our Aero Light model, designed for extreme temperature and humidity conditions. This premium model is crafted to offer the perfect balance between comfort and high performance, meeting the demands of the most technical cyclists who seek an innovative and efficient garment.

  • Ultra-lightweight, likely the lightest on the market.
  • Ultra-stretch fabric with quick-drying properties.
  • Semi-open structure, maximizing breathability.

Perfect for warm and humid climates, high-level competitions, and intense training sessions. Its versatile fit balances aerodynamics and comfort, making it ideal for endurance and long-distance rides.

This model features an optimized aerodynamic design that reduces air resistance on the front and sleeves while improving airflow on the back. Its fit ensures an optimal balance between comfort and performance, making it ideal for long hours on the bike.

Key Features:

  • High-elasticity, comfortable fabric, with a structure that maintains constant airflow, quickly absorbing and evaporating moisture.
  • UPF 50+ sun protection, safeguarding your skin in high-exposure conditions.
  • Long-cut sleeves, enhancing aerodynamics without compromising mobility.
  • Bonding construction technology, seamless hems with bonded finishes that eliminate friction, enhance skin contact comfort, and provide a sleek aesthetic.
  • Front zipper with lock, ultra-smooth operation for one-handed use, allowing easy locking at any height.
  • Minimalist lumbar pockets, designed to maintain aerodynamics without adding extra weight.
  • Seamless waistband, reducing pressure and ensuring stability with an integrated elastic band.

The Factory Air is designed for those who seek the perfect balance between comfort, performance, and aerodynamics. Whether for your most demanding training sessions or competition, this jersey will help you unleash your full potential with style and functionality.

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A Twenty One Cycling sabem que a ningú li agrada caure, però al ciclisme aquestes coses passen. És per això que a Twenty One Cycling oferim un servei de Reemplaçament per accident a tots aquells ciclistes que durant les seves sortides han fet malbé el producte per una caiguda.
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Born in Barcelona

Si podem donar el millor, donarem el millor. Inspirats per l'esperit innovador i avantguardista de la ciutat de Barcelona, ​​la nostra marca busca deixar palesa la seva impremta a cadascun dels productes que produïm, fugint dels estàndards establerts i creant peces úniques amb materials de proximitat i màxima qualitat. Com aquells arquitectes obstinats a la seva obra, ens agrada estar presents en cada mínim detall per obtenir un resultat tan durador com excel·lent.

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