
mangrovia - Twenty One Cycling

[man-grò-via] o mangrova s.f.

Vegetazione tipica delle zone tropicali, che si sviluppa in zone costiere soggette alle maree

Mangroves are survivors.

Over the course of its evolution, this humble tree has adapted to thrive in challenging conditions that would cause other plants to perish. Its roots are incredibly strong, keeping the tree standing proud and sitting defiantly in place amidst the shifting sediment at the shores of salt-laden freshwater lakes and rivers.

It is a vital organism in the fight against climate change, able to store impressive amounts of blue carbon. This is the name given to the carbon stored underwater in plants living in the oceans and seas, absorbed as sustenance to fuel the growth of leaves, roots, corals and branches.

One study published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment suggests that mangrove forests alone capture and store up to 34 million metric tonnes of blue carbon annually, about the same as that emitted by 26 million cars in one year.

Mangrovia is our homage to this life-giving tree, seamlessly adapted to its surroundings. Just like the mangrove, our garments help you adapt to the riding conditions, come rain or shine. They offer you extra resistance to temperature change and visibility to keep you safe on the road, helping you stay focused on your strength and performance.

Climate-proof designs inspired by nature.

Discover also ¨Tripoli¨. 


Burnt Orange - Twenty One Cycling
Burnt Orange

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